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Friday, January 2, 2009

Monthly Review Number 2. (It rhymes lol)

Hey guys and welcome to my second review here at Green Hill Zone. This game is Sonic’s first RPG or at least the only one I have ever heard of. If you guessed it was Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood give yourself a pat on the back and keep on reading. If not read on anyway.

The main plot of this game is that Knuckles was kidnapped while guarding the Chaos Emeralds. The kidnappers where a mysterious group called the Marauders by Sonic and friends. Leading these mysterious beings was Shade. I would tell you more about the plot but I wouldn’t want to spoil it for all of you.

The gameplay is played like most RPG’s that have the main map and then battle screen interface. If you run into an enemy you will fight that enemy along with others. Of you can flee from them like other games but in Sonic Chronicles it is a bit different. To flee or sometimes chase an enemy you have to avoid slowing down and reach the end before the enemy reaches you. If you are the one giving chase then you have to avoid slowing down and catch the enemy before it escapes.

Every area in this game has a lot to hide so be sure to check every area for collectibles like rings and Chao eggs to help power up Sonic and the gang. To fully explore the areas though you need the right character to get certain things done. You need flying characters like Tails to go long distances over gaps or Characters like Knuckles to climb tall structures.

This game has a pretty good variety of characters to use and each has there own special abilities. The playable characters in the game are: Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, Amy Rose, Rouge the Bat, Cream the Rabbit, Big the Cat, Shadow the Hedgehog, Dr. Eggman, E-123 Omega, and Shade. Each character has there own special abilities and powers to use on and off the battlefield so be sure to take a look at each one before you set up your four man team.

Well I guess that’s all for now so have fun, Happy New Year, and please Don’t be a slow-mo or a Robuttnik.

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