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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fake News

Hello people of the Green Hill Zone, I Dannyboy the Dog come to you today with a breaking news report.

Today in Central City there was an uproar in the G.U.N headquarters when a full attack was preformed by none other than Dr. Eggman. G.U.N forces did there best fighting but everyone knows who showed up before the job was done. Sonic The Hedgehog. Sonic zoomed past robots destroying them in the paths as they marched to the G.U.N Headquarters. Sonic was not the only one on the scene though. His side kick and best friend Miles “Tails” Prower helped the fight from the sky as he flew over the city in his hand-built plane, the Tornado.

I was lucky enough to get a few words from Sonic, Tails, Eggman (who WAS behind bars at the time of the interview.) and the G.U.N Commander

Sonic: At first I was surprised at the sudden attack by Eggman, but that Egg-head had another thing coming if he thought he was going to take over the city just like that. I’ve stopped his most evil creations and he must be getting pretty desperate if a few robots were going to stop me.

Tails: I was test flying the Tornado since I just tuned it up with a few new surprises when I saw Sonic go speeding by under me. Then I saw the gun-fire coming from G.U.N forces and Eggman’s robots. I swooped down and started to fire the new missile systems on the larger robots so Sonic can take car of the smaller forces easier.

Eggman: Yes, Yes, Yes I know Sonic and Tails stopped me once again but this was just a test. I needed to scrap these older model robots anyway to make way for my new and spectacular robots. With my new machines I will conquer the world and Sonic will not stop me! Oh, did I just say my plan on National TV…Oh No please edit this out or Sonic will try and stop me at my new base in the Artic Zone…DOH!

G.U.N Commander: Dr. Eggman is no match for my soldiers. Here at Guardian Units of Nations our soldiers are trained for anything, whether it be a attack from Eggman or saving a kitten from a tree. Since Eggman is behind bars he will no longer be able to……*crashing noise* What was that? *Sirens are going off* Oh no.

We are now following the G.U.N Commander to the prison room where it seems Dr.Eggman has broken out of his cell.

G.U.N Commander: Well at least we know where he is going…

Well that is all for now, enjoy your day whether you are relaxing in the Green Hill Zone or busy at work in Central City. Now back to your scheduled television shows.

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