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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Sonic Game Review

Hey guys, Dannyboy here and I just want to thank the admins of GHZ for accepting me as a writer for GHZ

I am going to do a monthly review of old and new Sonic games. Here is my first review, enjoy!

Welcome to my review on the overly criticized Sonic game, or should I say Shadow game. Shadow the hedgehog is a darker game in the Sonic series where the player takes control of our favorite rival for Sonic, Shadow. After falling from the Ark and helping Sonic and the gang fight Metal Sonic, he became overly troubled about finding out his past.
He encounters many of our favorite classic stars and some new ones including the villainous Black Doom. Black Doom claims to know his past and will reveal it to Shadow only if he collects the seven chaos emeralds.

The player can choose to complete one of three different missions on most level. One being a good guy mission where Shadow is helping the fight against the Black Creatures, Two being a neutral mission where he is helping himself, and third a dark mission where shadow is going against the good guys and helping Doom.

There are several endings and once you complete them all, you can unlock the secret and true ending. I won't spoil it for you if you have not fully beaten the game yet.

Most criticizing remarks about this game come from how Shadow makes use of guns in most levels to achieve his goal. This game also introduces the word "Damn" into the glossary of vocabulary used by characters, but I do understand this game is for older players. It is rated E 10+ only because of these two features. If you are to young for it or do not like it then do not play it.

This concludes my review on Shadow the Hedgehog. Thanks for Reading and don't be a slowmo!

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